Online Games

Shortest, Games

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Dirt Bike 4
Dirt Bike 4

The goal is to complete all levels in the shortest amount of time without ...

Max Torque
Max Torque

Chose your car and try to finish the race in the shortest time possible!

Crazy Cow
Crazy Cow

Help the cow reach the barn, in shortest time possible. When the level ...

Ultimate Crush
Ultimate Crush

Clear the entire game screen by clicking the groups of dots in the shortest ...

Combo Card
Combo Card

Try to make the most combinations possible in the shortest amount of time. ...

Bullseye Darts
Bullseye Darts

Bullseye Darts is totally entertaining skill game fun. This is a classic ...

Mood Match
Mood Match

Match the faces together in the shortest amount of time.

Pipe Mania
Pipe Mania

This a real brain teaser and additive game. Well, the aim of the game is to ...

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