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GH Escape 1
GH Escape 1

You are stuck in the room and you have to escape.

Restaurant Escape
Restaurant Escape

You have gone to dinner and forgotten your wallet, help around a bit and ...

The Museum
The Museum

Kids are moving things in the museum, you have to fix a variety of things ...

Island Escape
Island Escape

Try to escape from the island!

Library Escape
Library Escape

You have received way to many library fines, you need to help out a bit ...

Prison Escape
Prison Escape

A different game,play and enjoy it!


Try and change the colour of all the buttons - not as easy as it sounds ;)

Battle Pong 1
Battle Pong 1

Defeat your opponent and win the game!


A classic game of peg solitaire.


Blast the pesky sheep from the skys in this remake of the Atari classic!


Place the pieces in the right position to complete the picture.

Sheep Invaders
Sheep Invaders

Blast the pesky sheep from the skys in this remake of the Taito classic!

Moon Cave
Moon Cave

Navigate through the alien caves and caverns to find a way out.


Munch those dots, avoid the ghosts and go for the hiscore.


Ready, take aim, FIRE! Score as many points as you can by shooting the targets.

Bubble Wrap
Bubble Wrap

Feeling stressed? Good job we have virtual bubble wrap then eh!

Blob Twist
Blob Twist

Place blobs in the rotating board to match the patterns and set up big chain ...


1 or 2 player action - blow up your blobz in our newest mini game!

Blob Wars
Blob Wars

Battle for control of the board in this taxing puzzle game.


Rockets are launched into the air. Click on the matching colored detonator ...

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